National media conversation on Lincoln Riley is both weird and predictable

Some parts of the national Lincoln Riley conversation make sense, but others do not.

On ESPN’s First Take, you probably saw or heard something about Paul Finebaum, Robert Griffin III and Heather Dinich evaluating Lincoln Riley’s tenure at USC as the Trojans move to the Big Ten.

Finebaum has made over-the-top statements about Riley at USC. It’s predictable that an SEC Network commentator would rip Riley, given that Riley was not willing to coach Oklahoma in the SEC. That’s understandable. What is weird is that Riley has had one bad season in his career — last year — and that Riley’s USC tenure has somehow become a disaster. That makes no sense. The 2023 season was a disaster, but not the whole tenure. USC did really well in 2022, winning 11 games. So, there’s something predictable about the Finebaum hot takes, and yet there’s something bizarre about all of this as well. Lincoln Riley will catch a lot of heat when he fails — and that’s normal — but the reaction to his 2023 season is way beyond any logical boundaries.

Ducks Wire offered this very logical and measured take:

When Riley was hired away from Oklahoma where he was an astounding 55-10 in five seasons, promises of national championships were put upon the USC program. But in two seasons in Los Angeles, the Trojans have been good, just not national title quality yet. Assistant coaches have come and gone and recruiting has been all right, not great. Overall, the Trojans are in a much better space than they were under the previous regime of Clay Helton, but it’s not at a level many expected.

We will take Ducks Wire over Finebaum seven days a week.

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