Must see: A top-prospect shares Notre Dame acceptance letter

Getting accepted to your dream school is an incredible accomplishment, and a star Notre Dame recruit shared his experience with the public.

For any living being with a heartbeat, the moment in the movie “Rudy” when our hero surprises his father with a visit to the steel mill and shows him his acceptance letter to the University of Notre Dame.

The dad is understandably thrilled and shares the news with all of his co-workers by getting on the loud-speaker at the mill.

It’s not the same circumstances by most measures but it was still a cool video to watch on Wednesday when one of Notre Dame’s top commitments in the 2021 recruiting class, offensive guard Rocco Spindler, shared his acceptance letter from Notre Dame with his father.

Spindler shared the video on his Twitter page Wednesday:

A few great parts from this include, but not limited to:

  • “Hey dad, you mind reading this?  Notre Dame sent me something, I gotta go do something”
  • Dad responds with, “It looks like it’s made out to you”
  • The obvious happiness that fills that house upon the elder Mr. Spindler reading the news loud enough for all to hear.

Congratulations on the accomplishment, Rocco, and thanks for sharing.