Much of his energy today is spent …

Much of his energy today is spent working with his production company, Content Cartel, developing projects that he believes can motivate others. Talking about his childhood, he says, “I was totally a dreamer, as I am today. But there wasn’t a lot of places where I could go and get answers. I’m from the South, man. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to South Carolina, but this is how much opportunity is in South Carolina [Garnett holds his index finger a centimeter from his thumb]. And when you do get this much opportunity, what are you gonna do with it? Thinking outside the box and being different is probably one of the hardest things you can ever do, because people are gonna look at you like that, right? But when you embrace that and you wear it [Garnett pauses to wrap himself in an invisible blanket], it gives you confidence to say, ‘Damn, that n—- just walked through here with some slippers and nothing on,’ you know what I’m saying?”