MMA’s week out of the cage: Conor McGregor back in international spotlight

Check out the best social media posts from fighters and their lives outside of the cage in the past week.

Children of MMA

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I take my job as her hero very seriously 💜

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Just Danger and Dad @dangeranddad

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Activities and adventures

Random leftovers

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Words can’t really describe this trip, except that this was one of the best and most important things I’ve ever done. It definitely put things into perspective despite my personal feelings on military matters. I’m in awe of our service men and women and have so much gratitude for them ❤️. Mahalo @theuso @thejointstaff and @braddahwes for allowing me to partake in this incredible experience. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! And shoutout to all the Hawaiians I saw during the tour. You all make me so proud! More pics to come. Gonna go cry now… #USOTour2020 #thejointstaff #supportthetroops #Romania #Poland #WashingtonDC #BellatorMMA #HawaiiansinEurope #TeamHawaii #pineappleprincess #ilimanator

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The Blue Corner is MMA Junkie’s blog space. We don’t take it overly serious, and neither should you. If you come complaining to us that something you read here is not hard-hitting news, expect to have the previous sentence repeated in ALL CAPS.