MLB TikTok account glamorized Braves’ Matt Olson like the HR-smashing dreamboat he is

You gotta give the people what they want.

With 43 home runs and a 1.006 OPS, Matt Olson is in the midst of a potential NL MVP campaign for the league-leading Atlanta Braves. It’s a bonus, then, that the 29-year-old first baseman happens to be a conventionally attractive man, too.

That is, at least, according to the MLB TikTok.

On Tuesday, the official account shared a video featuring various clips of Olson strutting around with a saxophone and smooth jazz suggestively playing in the background. The implication is easy to understand: Either the runners of MLB’s TikTok account seem to think Olson is (justifiably) a dreamboat, or they’re just playing into the minds of fans who (justifiably) think Olson is a dreamboat.

Or both. It can be both.

Whatever the case may be, the weirdly erotic Olson video also included the caption “more like Gyatt Olson” with a “hot face, tongue out” emoji. If you’re not familiar with young person slang, dearest reader, have no fear. Neither am I! According to impeccable source Urban Dictionary, “gyatt” is a shortened form of “goddamn.”

So, the MLB account posted, in essence, “Goddamn Olson.” Mhm, sure, this all adds up.

Again, they’re not exactly wrong. Olson does look like an attractive human being who happens to be a star baseball player. It’s just a tad odd that an official MLB platform would play into it with a mood-setting saxophone and silly Gen Z slang about hotness.

Well, it’s giving the people what they want.