MLB commissioner Rob Manfred is an inspiration to all of us who stink at our jobs

Rob Manfred has made us all look good at our jobs.

You ever have that rough day at work where you spend the drive home trying to not even catch a slight glimpse of your face in the rearview mirror because it would only make you even more angry/sad?

You ever screw up something so badly at the office that you sit at your desk and wonder how anybody ever said the words “you’re hired!” to you?

Have you ever sat in your parked car after messing up an important presentation and fired off a number of perfect combos on your steering wheel?

Come on, I know I’m not alone here.

Well here is some good news – none of us who stink at our jobs are alone. Because we’ll always have Rob Manfred leading the way for us, screwing up things left and right in order to make sure we never think that even a high-paid executive is better than any of us.

Listen, I know I’ve written a lot of things about the MLB commissioner (for now) over the past week. I’ve called for his job, I said he spit in the face of all MLB fans, and I’ve trashed the cheating Astros while also taking shots at Manfred.

It’s mostly been because this scandal and how Manfred has handled it has been totally unbelievable (also, it has been a quiet time for sports). On Tuesday it took another laughable turn thanks to the commish falling apart again at a podium while standing in front of a bunch of media members who asked him some good questions about why stunk at his job.

Manfred apologized for calling the World Series trophy a “piece of metal.” Seriously, he called that wonderful trophy that.

He confirmed that the Astros told him that they used the garbage can cheating system in the postseason in 2017, which was news to everyone, including the Dodgers who by now must be tired from throwing their arms in the air.

And Manfred blamed the amount of public outcry- which has included a lot of baseball stars and even NBA legend LeBron James – on “today’s society,”  like Twitter is the reason Mike Trout has lost respect for some guys on the Astros. Today’s society!

So yeah, when you start feeling bad about the mistakes you’ve made at work, think about ol’ Robby Manfred and the incredible amount of damage he’s done to the game of baseball. This great sport is being talked about a lot lately and none of it has been about the good things that we could see this season.

Instead, it’s been about a group of players who cheated and didn’t get punished for it.

Instead, it’s been about a commissioner who has lost all control and respect by the way that he has handled this mess.

So the next time you babble through a presentation and miss out on a big deal, don’t get down on yourself.

Things could always be worse.

You could be Rob Manfred.

Tuesday’s big winner: Allen Iverson.

(Photo by Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE via Getty Images)

On Tuesday a video emerged showing Allen Iverson and Dwyane Wade hugging after Sunday night’s tribute to Kobe Bryant at the NBA All-Star Game. It’s a great video that shows just how great Iverson is at giving big hugs. Fans on Twitter had nothing but respect for Iverson’s hugs and they were so darn right. This video is awesome.

Quick hits: Brady’s emoji to Affleck… Diggs deletes Vikings… Aubrey Huff is wrong… And more!

– Ben Affleck said he texted Tom Brady about where the QB would be playing next season and all he got back was an emoji for the answer.

– Stefon Diggs deleted all the Vikings stuff from his social media and NFL fans freaked out.

– Aubrey Huff clearly doesn’t know what the First Amendment means.

– Young NBA stars were asked about 1990s NBA trivia and their answers will make you feel old.

– Our Steven Ruiz is grading all the big NFL offseason moves, including the Seahawks signing Greg Olsen on Tuesday.