Mike Trout directly called out Rob Manfred for Major League Baseball’s collapsed CBA negotiations

Mike Trout went directly for Rob Manfred. Wow.

Just when you thought Major League Baseball’s collective bargaining agreement negotiations couldn’t get any messier, they do.

Things completely fell apart on Tuesday when the league and the player’s association failed to come upon an agreement by their self-imposed 5 p.m. deadline on Tuesday to start the regular season on time.

After things fell apart, Commissioner Rob Manfred canceled the first two series of the season, continuing the lockout. And then he laughed while doing it.

Now, here we are nearly 24 hours later, and players are calling Manfred out. That includes arguably the best player in the game  — Mike Trout.

Trout placed the blame for negotiations falling through squarely at the feet of Manfred in a social media post.

“I want to play, I love our game, but I know we need to get this CBA right. Instead of bargaining in good faith – MLB locked us out. Instead of negotiating a fair deal – Rob canceled games. Players stand together for our game, for our fans and for every player who comes after us. We owe it to the next generation.”

Those are some pretty strong words aimed right at the league’s commissioner. Players and fans, alike, weren’t happy about this. Everyone is in agreement with Trout.