Mike McCarthy called out the Cowboys for not defending Andy Dalton after dirty hit

“Not the response you would expect.”

If you needed any indication as to what the mood inside Cowboys locker room has been like, look no further than the team’s reaction to the brutal (and dirty) hit on Andy Dalton by Washington Football Team linebacker Jon Bostic.

Dalton was knocked out of Sunday’s game against Washington when the Cowboys quarterback took a hit to the head from Bostic while already starting his slide. It was one of the more egregious hits you can see in football, and Bostic was ejected and should expect a suspension.

But typically, after a quarterback — or any player, really — gets hurt on a blatantly dirty hit, the team rushes to confront the player who delivered the hit. There was none of that from the Cowboys on Sunday.

Cowboys head coach Mike McCarthy, in particular, took exception with the team’s reaction. Speaking to reporters after the 25-3 loss, McCarthy said he wished the team would have been more willing to defend Dalton after that hit.

It’s just another example as to how awful this season has been for Dallas.

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