Mike Leach is disappointed Mississippi State ditched its ‘malicious’ visitor’s locker room

The new Mississippi State coach once said the Bulldogs’ visitor’s locker room was so awful it was brilliant.

Only a few months ago, Mike Leach described Mississippi State’s visitor’s locker room as the worst in college football. He told ESPN that the Bulldogs’ locker room for the visiting team was so awful that it was “the ultimate touch of brilliance.”

So when Leach — who was officially introduced as Mississippi State’s head coach Friday during a press conference — went to go check it out Thursday night, he said he was actually a bit disappointed. That terrible, brilliant locker room, which he called “literally a work of art” Friday, has since been turned into an office.

“I was slightly disappointed that the greatest visitors’ locker room of all time is no more,” Leach said Friday.

At the beginning of the 2019 football season when Leach was still the head coach of Washington State, he spoke to ESPN about Mississippi State’s visitor’s locker room and said:

“My heart swelled with pride because I knew that there may never be a better visitor’s locker room than this one. Every wall was concrete: The floor was concrete, the ceiling was concrete, everything was concrete. There’s no furniture, there was no benches, there was no lockers.”

Leach, of course, shared some in-depth views on the Bulldogs’ old visitor’s locker room:

“I wanted to go down memory lane to that old visitor’s locker room, the artistry of which I truly admire. I mean that sincerely. Maybe my taste and view on football and sports are a little different than others, but the old visitor’s locker room at Mississippi State was literally a work of art. And now it’s an office. …

“Obviously, if you’re the home team, you want to have most advantageous visitor’s locker room you possibly can. Nowadays, in these kinder and gentler days — it was utterly outstanding. Just the thought that went into it, the malicious intent, the ‘Hey, it’s tough to play on the road attitude.’ Yep.

“And I counted them and — if I recall right — 37 nails in a concrete block, two toilets with no seats or no lids in the middle. One roll of toilet paper in the middle. And I was convinced here I’d have the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of the locker room of that magnitude.”

Well, maybe not.

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