Mike Brey jumps on tables to promote Notre Dame-Clemson game

Here’s one way to get butts in seats.

Notre Dame fans should know by now that Mike Brey has a reason for everything he does. Sometimes, he’ll resort to drastic measures to get a goal accomplished. Those goals include filling Purcell Pavilion.

When the Irish beat North Carolina at home recently, the attendance was quite low, and there might even have been more Tar Heels fans there than Irish fans. To be fair, the new semester at Notre Dame just began this week. Still, Brey apparently doesn’t want a dead atmosphere for a second consecutive home game, so he went to somewhat extreme measures to get students fired up for his team’s upcoming contest against Clemson:

I don’t know about you, but I would be beyond thrilled to see a coach of Brey’s stature put himself out there like this if I was a student. I would compel myself to go to this game and adjust my schedule accordingly.

Will Brey’s effort pay off? We’ll know very soon.