Mick Foley wants to lose 100 pounds, have a deathmatch for 60th birthday

Mick Foley is considering a deathmatch for his 60th birthday, though he doubts it would be in WWE.

A lot of us started 2024 thinking about the typical resolutions, like losing weight or getting in better shape. There probably aren’t many people, though, who want to drop a whole bunch of weight so they can be in a pro wrestling deathmatch.

Mick Foley isn’t most people. The pro wrestling icon and WWE Hall of Famer hasn’t appeared in a WWE ring since the 2021 Royal Rumble, and hasn’t taken part in a match of any kind since 2015, but he’s entertaining the idea of getting back in shape with a special target in mind: his 60th birthday.

Foley will hit the big 6-0 next summer, in June 2025, and as he explained on the final episode of his podcast, Foley is Pod, he’d like to lose 100 pounds so he can take part in a deathmatch to celebrate the occasion.

You know, like we all do.

“Sixty’s right around the corner, I’m gonna do one final match for my 60th birthday,” Foley said. “Deathmatch.”

“I’m not kidding,” he said when asked if he was joking by co-host Conrad Thompson. “It’d be a great incentive to drop those hundred big ones. And I think it might be fun.”

One thing he did say was not to expect his final match to take place in WWE, which might not have the stomach for what he has in mind.

“No, no, I don’t think so, because I think it would be a pretty gory spectacle.”

Foley said it’s just a thought for the moment, but one that he’s run by two of his children.

It didn’t take long for fans to show up in the podcast’s comments on social media to suggest potential opponents for Foley, including AEW star Jon Moxley. Matt Cardona, perhaps the top name on the indies and no stranger to deathmatches, also appeared to throw his hat in the ring.

There will undoubtedly be a segment of wrestling fandom hoping that Foley reconsiders, given his age and what he’s already given of his physical well-being to entertain people over the years. Still, as a one-off way to ride into the sunset of an incredible career, there’s no denying the thrill it might provide to see Foley get hardcore one last time.