Miami-Dade’s State of the County Address prays for…the Dolphins?

Miami-Dade’s State of the County Address prays for…the Dolphins?

Football fandom will bring fans of just about every team a little bit of everything — joy, despair, anxiety, you name it. And how each fan chooses to handle those roller coaster of emotions? Well, that’s up to them. Some laugh. Some cry. Some even pray. And that’s exactly what we got this morning from the Miami-Dade State of the County Address this morning.

Everyone who follows the Miami Dolphins knows the gravity of the situation this offseason. With Miami entering into Year 3 of the Chris Grier/Brian Flores regime, the Dolphins are entering into a critical window. The coming months could help determine whether or not Miami successfully transcends the plateau of mediocrity they’ve been suck in for the last 15-20 years or if Miami is doomed to fall into a familiar pattern of being stuck in the middle of the pack in the AFC. With so much of the conference landscape changing, the opportunity is ripe for the Dolphins to strike and make big changes and hopefully be a postseason contender.

But it all starts with the ability to string together good choices on the personnel front. Perhaps that’s why an unofficial prayer for the Miami Dolphins’ draft board, of all things, went viral this morning as the Miami-Dade State of the County Address got underway:

Indeed, the Dolphins do need a good draft!

They’re well positioned to have one, too. In the end, if the Dolphins crush their draft class and find themselves still playing around this time next year, we’ll all know who to thank. Chris Grier, Brian Flores, the Dolphins’ scouting department, the players themselves and maybe even Miami-Dade County for a little extra good juju going into the 2021 offseason.