Meet the new Chris Paul, the next great Arkansas linebacker

Everyone at Arkansas is glowing about Chris Paul already this fall. That’s scary for Razorbacks’ opponents.

Sure, you already know Chris Paul, the Arkansas linebacker. But odds are, if you follow the Razorbacks only casually, you’re about to get to know him even better.

Paul, a sophomore from Georgia, established himself as a regular in 2023 on the Arkansas defense. His 62 tackles ranked fifth on the team. His four sacks were fourth. His eight tackles for-loss, third. And somehow, he achieved all those totals as Arkansas’ No. 3 linebacker, a back-up position in the Hogs’ base 4-2-5 defense.

So maybe it’s better said that SEC fans will get to know Paul a this year. Arkansas fans that don’t, they’ll learn quick.

His teammates saw the results last year and, perhaps more importantly for developing long-term success, they see him every day at practice. And Paul is already turning into a leader.

“I feel like some of the younger guys on defense look up to me in that aspect,” Paul said. “Because they feel like they’re comfortable enough to come ask me questions about anything. Or just for me to pick them up when their spirits are low. But I feel like I’ve gotten real comfortable in my position and my role for this team. And I feel like it’s going to be a great season.”

Paul has added between 15 and 20 pounds to his body, strength and conditioning coach Ben Sowders said. Combine that with his maintained speed, and Paul may be staring at an All-SEC season, especially as he’s the unquestioned No. 1 linebacker this year after the losses of Bumper Pool and Drew Sanders to the NFL.

“He’s running in the 21s, so you talk about another guy who’s put on weight, gotten stronger and gotten faster,” Sowders said. “All you guys sitting in this room, you know how this league is, man. You can’t play linebacker at 215 and run 20 mph and only be a subpar squatter. You have to check all the boxes. We’re trying to push that envelope every day.”

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