Matt Patricia still seeing the light at the end of the tunnel

Is that light a freight train coming his way?

It’s been a dark two weeks for the Detroit Lions. After an impressive first three quarters in the Week 1 opener against the Chicago Bears, there has been little positivity around the Lions. An ugly collapse ensued at home against Chicago, followed by an abysmal, defenseless rout at the hands of the Green Bay Packers.

Head coach Matt Patricia has borne the brunt of the blame. His defensive scheme is flatly not working, generating the lowest pressure rate in the league and still looking for its first takeaway of the 2020 season.

In his Zoom press conference with reporters on Wednesday, Patricia ended with a note about trying to stay positive and optimistic amidst the enveloping darkness. When asked if he still saw light at the end of the tunnel, Patricia paused and responded,

“I think you have to. I mean for us – you know me – we’ve got to always try to get better, we’ve got to try to improve. If you’re a person that walks around without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, then man, that’s probably not a good day.”

The tone of the questioning throughout the entire presser was more pointed and critical of the team than typical, something both fellow Lions Wire editor Erik Schlitt and I noted immediately after it concluded. Patricia’s train is barreling deeper into the tunnel, and his responses appear to indicate he’s aware of it.

If Patricia doesn’t stop the ongoing descent into the losing darkness, he might soon learn that Metallica’s “No Leaf Clover” lyrics are prescient,

Then it comes to be that the soothing light
At the end of your tunnel
Is just a freight train coming your way

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