Mark Schlereth on the Commanders: ‘The stench is gone’

The former offensive lineman says the NFL is a better place when Washington is relevant.

“The stench is gone.”

That’s what former Washington offensive lineman and current NFL analyst Mark Schlereth said about the Commanders with former owner Daniel Snyder long gone.

“I feel like the stench, the overall stench of Daniel Snyder, who just came into a crown jewel of the National Football League and took a s–t on it, I really believe that stench is gone,” Schlereth said Thursday on his Stinkin Truth Podcast.

Schlereth, who was drafted in the 10th round by Washington in the 1989 NFL draft, played six of his 12 seasons for the Redskins, including winning a Super Bowl. He would play six more seasons in Denver, where he won two more Super Bowls. Schlereth has worked in the media since his retirement and currently calls games on FOX Sports.

The former member of The Hogs is a fan of new head coach Dan Quinn.

“You know, when Dan Quinn is the guy carrying two bottles of Febreze, you know, and they’re just psshhhhhh just all over………..just spraying Febreze all over that. Josh Harris, the new owner, and Magic Johnson’s hanging around, it feels like it’s moving in the right direction. So, I hope so because I still have an affinity. That’s where I cut my teeth in the NFL, and, you know, I’ve said this about the Raiders, which hurts, but the league’s a better place when Washington’s relevant, and they haven’t been relevant since Dan Snyder bought them.”

Schlereth is never one to hold back. For years, he’s shared his disgust with the franchise’s direction, hoping it would get back on track. You can add him to the list of alumni back on board since Harris bought the team last summer.