Mark Cuban shares an update on Delonte West and it looks like he’s doing well

This is awesome.

A few weeks ago, photos and videos surfaced of former NBA player Delonte West struggling on the streets of Dallas. It wasn’t the first time — similar videos surfaced back in January of West.

Mark Cuban caught wind of the videos on social media and managed to find West and pick him up. From there, Cuban helped West start at a rehabilitation program in Florida that same day.

On Friday, Cuban offered up an update on how West was doing in rehab. And from the look of things, he’s doing great.

He shared a picture on Twitter of West horseback riding.

West still has a long way to go and his journey is just beginning, but it’s great to see that he’s doing well and taking these first steps in getting better.

Shouts to Mark Cuban for helping him out. Hopefully, West is back on his feet and doing well soon.