Mario Cristobal had the most baffling answer for why Miami didn’t kneel at the end of its stunning loss to Georgia Tech

Mario Cristobal, just say you made a mistake.

The Miami Hurricanes woke up Sunday morning with a 4-1 record, which is a shame because they should still be undefeated after Saturday’s home game against Georgia Tech.

The reason they aren’t lies right at the feet of head coach Mario Cristobal, who had his team run the ball with 33 seconds left in the game rather than kneel out those final seconds on the clock. Miami fumbled the ball away on that run, and Georgia Tech used those final seconds to score the game-winning touchdown. A complete disaster.

So, why didn’t Miami simply take a knee? Cristobal didn’t have a great reason after the game.

“The drive started, it was going to be at 1:57 and we ran about 1:27 off. And then it was recalibrated. We should’ve taken a timeout right there at the end. Thought we’d get the first down, and we talked about two hands on the ball. But that’s not good enough. Just should’ve told him to take knee. That’s it. Fumbled the ball at the 25, and they went 75 yards in two plays. So no excuse.”

I’m not even sure what Cristobal is trying to convey there. What was recalibrated, the play clock? And is he saying he should’ve taken a timeout in that moment to discuss whether to kneel or not? Was it really that hard of a decision?

Also, why was gaining the first down in a game that was effectively over so important? It wasn’t even fourth down yet. Cristobal was reminded of that important detail after his long-winded answer and finally just submitted, “We should’ve taken a knee.”

Yeah, ya think.