Marcus Freeman: Notre Dame ‘has everything to win national championship’

Excuses justify failure.

As both Notre Dame and college football fans are well aware, the Fighting Irish haven’t won a football national championship since 1988.  At that time it was looking like a Notre Dame dynasty was in the making under Lou Holtz but they haven’t won a national title since, despite a few close calls.

So can Notre Dame still win a national championship without having a drastic overhaul?  If you ask [autotag]Marcus Freeman[/autotag], everything is already in place for Notre Dame to be able to win a title.

That’s not to say a few things can’t be improved, but Freeman isn’t about to sound like his predecessor in making excuses.

Freeman chatted Tuesday with Irish Illustrated.  Be sure to check out the full article in that link as they have some reporting on the future of Notre Dame’s athletic facility plans as well.

Side note – excuses weren’t included in Freeman’s talking points.  See some of the best quotes below.