Mannix: Complaint by Wizards filed with NBA for Celtics reportedly skirting COVID rules

Boston’s dysfunction last season may have put people at risk, based on these reports.

The Boston Celtics were among the NBA’s hardest-hit teams when it came to COVID-19, and the franchise paid a hefty price in terms of player-days lost — and it likely had a lot to do with the roster performing well beneath preseason expectations as well.

But rumbles abound that this was something of a self-own, with word being reported by NBC Sports Boston’s Chris Mannix (via WEEI) that the team did not take the deadly viral malady seriously. Evidently, it was to the extent that an opposing team — the Washington Wizards — filed a complaint with the NBA, believing the Celtics were responsible for a spate of their own COVID absences.

“The Celtics were among the teams that I know of that didn’t take COVID seriously,” related Mannix.