LSU vs. Clemson Buckeyes Wire national championship game predictions

We’ve done it all year, so we’re finishing off with our staff predictions for the big one Monday night between LSU and Clemson.

Yeah, yeah, we’re not an LSU or Clemson fan site. But hey, there’s a big one Monday night and we love football. So even if it’s being played in Alaska in a deep freeze in January we’re game. The national championship game is set to go unhinged in New Orleans Monday night and we’ll be watching and we’re sure you will be too. Unless that is, you’re still being triggered from what happened in the desert on December 28.

And really, who could blame you.

So, like we did during the season with all of the Ohio State contests, we’re opening it up to our contributors to provide their predictions for the national championship game between two dueling Tigers.

And we’re off.

NEXT … The Predictions