Low level college basketball team or Christian rock band? An FTW quiz

Did Silverline play Rock the Smokies last year, or lose to North Alabama on Monday night?

College basketball’s opening night is an expansive, breathtaking peek into just how big the sport has become. There are more than 360 teams across Division I and most of them were in action Monday night.

And most of the games stunk.

While the NCAA women’s season kicked off with a pair of top 25 matchups, Monday’s men’s games were mostly littered with easy wins over outmatched opponents. Teams from Power 6 Conferences picked on mid-majors. Mid-majors picked on low-majors. And low-majors, in an effort to build some early momentum, invited some schools you probably may have never heard of to their home gymnasiums.

Thus, a challenge was born. This quiz is simple. All you have to do is tell me whether or not I’m naming a sub-Division I college basketball team that played a buy game on opening night or a contemporary Christian rock artist, as categorized by Wikipedia.

1) Saint Mary-Of-The-Woods

2) Silverline

3) Immaculata

4) Covenant

5) William Carey

6) Royal Tailor

7) Disciple

8) Blue Mountain

9) Emery

10) Whitecross

11) Dartmouth

Scroll on for answers and revelations.