Look: Raiders safety Johnathan Abram shoe collection is insane

Look: Raiders safety Johnathan Abram shoe collection is insane

Most players, either just prior to being drafted or soon thereafter, are asked what the first thing they will buy with their first NFL paycheck. I think it’s safe to say, for Johnathan Abram, that answer is shoes.

The third-year safety has just a bit of an obsession. He refers to himself as a Sneakerhead, which is the term for those who collect rare and, often, expensive shoes.

And in a recent feature Abram did that was supposed to be about his dog Amo, the focus shifts pretty quickly to his insane shoe collection.


After a minute of talking about how much he loves his dog, Abram starts talking about what really comes first in his life, “If Amo chewed up my shoes, I think Amo would have to leave.”

Then Abram launches into talking about his love…of shoes. He has an entire room filled with them from floor to ceiling. One pair he pulled out he says are his favorite — the UNSV — in part because there were only thirty pairs of them made. He said he had to give away a jersey to get them. Another shoe he points out cost $3500. That price tag most people has at least one too many zeroes in it, maybe two.

He says that pair was a gift, ending the segment saying shoes are the perfect gift for him, adding “I’m more ecstatic over shoes than anything else.”

Oh, and Amo is a very sweet, good boy too.

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