LOOK: First official pictures of Tom Brady in a Tampa Bay uniform

The Bucs shared the first official look of the GOAT in the NFC South team’s colors.

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He calls it “Tompa Bay” and if it didn’t feel like a reality beforehand, it certainly feels like one now.

Before the world became mired in a pandemic, former Michigan quarterback and 20-year New England Patriots Super Bowl winner Tom Brady dominated the news for weeks when he opted not to return to Foxborough, instead signing with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. As NFL fans tried to envision Brady in a different uniform for months, on Tuesday, we got to see what it looks like for the first time in earnest, with the team taking to social media to share the first official pictures of the G.O.A.T. wearing the swashbuckling insignia.

It still looks a little odd, given we’ve only seen Brady wear two uniforms since he’s risen to national prominence. But for those who are excited to see him take on the NFC South, it’s a welcome sight.