Longhorns old foe Nebraska is one of two Big Ten teams wanting to play

The Longhorns old foe, Nebraska is one of two Big Ten teams in favor of playing. The vote to cancel was 12-2 in favor of postponement.

News on the upcoming college football season has been dropping at a fast and furious rate. Will we or won’t we have a season? Well as far as the Big 12 is concerned that meeting is scheduled to happen on Monday evening at 5 p.m..

The Big Ten Conference has been the one in the headlines most as of late, their leadership had a meeting to discuss their future. All signs have pointed towards them cancelling the season or moving everything to the spring. All 14 schools were involved in a vote to determine the best course of action.

According to the Dan Patrick Show, the Longhorns old foe Nebraska was one of two schools who voted in favor of playing.

It is a bit odd how conferences pushed to get the new 2020 college football season’s schedules out but now are seemingly pushing to postpone the year. A spring schedule seems inevitable but to what end? Is it really going to be better in February and March versus now? Hopefully we get answers soon as the Big 12 meeting looms.