Liz Cambage’s contract divorce for the LA Sparks, explained

Liz Cambage is officially no longer a member of the Sparks.

Nothing has really gone according to plan for the Los Angeles Sparks this season.

They started the year by firing Derek Fisher and moving on. Then, they signed Liz Cambage to a deal in free agency which was a huge move at the time. It seemed like things were on the up and up in LA.

Now, here they stand at 6th in the league’s standings just clinging on to a playoff spot and Liz Cambage has officially left the team.

New broke early on Tuesday that Cambage “quit” the team and wanted out of LA, according to Girls Talk Sports TV’s Khristina Williams.

Then, shortly after, Sparks officially announced a contract divorce with their 6’8 center.

And, just like that, it was over. Cambage was gone and the Sparks are still pushing to hold on to their playoff position.

It’s just been a strange season all around that ended in one of the strangest ways we could see as fans. Many fans have never even heard of a contract divorce.

If you haven’t, don’t worry. I’ll explain all that and more right here.