Little girl gets unexpected kiss from a walrus

A girl standing in front of an underwater enclosure at a zoo got an unexpected kiss from a passing walrus that left spectators laughing.

A little girl standing in front of an underwater enclosure at a zoo in Belgium got an unexpected kiss from a passing walrus that left spectators laughing in delight.

The girl, holding a small, stuffed panda bear in her left hand, stepped forward to the thick glass as the walrus approached. And as the walrus came face-to-face with the girl, it planted a kiss on the glass.

The humorous encounter occurred Tuesday at a zoo we presume to be Pairi Daiza in Brugelette.

It reminded us of the video from another zoo that show a bear slamming another bear into the glass in front of 2-year-old Eastan, putting quite a scare into him.

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In this case, the little girl excitedly turned around as if to say, “Did you see that?”

Photo courtesy of ViralHog.

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