Linebackers who land squarely on Raiders draft radar

Linebackers in this draft who are Raiders are looking for and could be available for them

Linebacker was a position in flux last season for the Raiders. As of training camp the starting linebackers were Cory Littleton, Nick Kwiatkoski, and Nicholas Morrow. By the end of last season, none of them were starters, and now all three of them are now gone.

What the replaced them with were Denzel Perryman and Divine Deablo. Perryman was acquired in trade just prior the start of the season and the rookie Deablo would take over starting duties late in season.

While Perryman has coverage limitations, he is a stellar middle linebacker and tackling machine. Deablo appeared to be an upgrade over Littleton, but whether he is worthy of continuing as the full time starter remains to be seen.

So, what the Raiders need is a linebacker who can cover and compete to either take over the starting duties for Deablo, or be the third linebacker in those instances when the Raiders field one.

The linebackers could be just what they need and may be on the board when they pick.