Let’s talk about Claudio Reyna and female referees

Much of the information in U.S. Soccer’s report wasn’t really a surprise. But this was out of nowhere

Though some of the details were ugly, most of what was revealed in U.S. Soccer’s investigation into l’affaire Reyna-Berhalter wasn’t all that shocking.

We already knew Claudio and Danielle Reyna had given U.S. Soccer dirt on Gregg Berhalter in an effort to see him ousted. We already knew the couple were furious with the USMNT coach and their former close friend over his treatment of their son Gio. We didn’t know the extent of the couple’s meddling or the exact words they used to threaten and harass, but the framework was already in place.

But there was one element in the 40-page report that stood out. This was truly new information.

In an email in 2018, Claudio said of a game Gio played in: “Field, referee everything!! So embarrassing all the way around.”

He followed up: “And in all honest [sic] can we get real and have male refs for a game like this. Its embarrassing guys. What are we trying to prove? A game like this deserves bett[e]r attention.”

This was truly stunning, but also instructive. How many other authority figures in the game would write something similar if they knew their email wouldn’t end up publicized in an investigation?

Though female referees continue to reach milestones on the field, Reyna represents an entrenched attitude of the old guard that won’t go away easily.

For Reyna himself, the comments are going to make it much tougher to re-enter any kind of polite soccer society. All of his previously known behavior, ugly as it was, was under the (admittedly broad) auspices of protecting his son.

This, however, was just a sexist cheap shot.

Where does Reyna go from here? Austin FC announced in January that Reyna would be moving from sporting director to a “technical advisor role,” allowing him to stay with the club in a reduced capacity.

When his contract expires with the MLS club, Reyna may find it tough to obtain high-level employment in the sport. In other words, he’ll be in the same position so many of the female officials he decries have occupied for far too long.

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