LeBron James is rooting hard for the Dodgers (even though he’s an Indians or Yankees fan?)

The Laker is backing the Dodgers.

Which baseball team does LeBron James root for?

Is it the Cleveland Indians, who he’s rooted on in person as an Akron native?

Is it the New York Yankees, who he’s talked about supporting growing up?

Or is it the Los Angeles Dodgers, who are in the World Series against the Tampa Bay Rays and who happen to play in the same city as James’ Lakers?

Maybe it’s all three! Because James spent Tuesday night tweeting a bunch of support for the Dodgers, which is very fun. Hey, he’s allowed to root on whoever he wants. I might think it was weird if he was rooting for the Dodgers over the Indians, but this is totally fine:

The Dodgers approved:

Others called him out:

[jwplayer NEiPOcS9-q2aasYxh]