LeBron James and Anthony Davis join Quinn Cook for 2K stream

The Los Angeles Lakers got some work in on the blacktop of NBA2K and also stayed in their respective hotel rooms.

With the exception of Dwight Howard taking a quick look at the NBA’s outdoor DJ sets, the Los Angeles Lakers have mostly stayed in their rooms over the first few days of being at the Disney World Campus, where they hope to be for the next 3-4 months. And without guests and family for at least half of it, finding ways to interact while still being socially distanced is also key. One of the ways in which the Lakers and other NBA teams are doing it is by playing video games. Last night, LeBron James and Anthony Davis joined their Lakers teammate Quinn Cook on a live stream where they played 3-on-3 on the NBA 2K Blacktop.

LeBron even had one of his signature plays, a chase down block, on the stream. They also got VIP treatment from the folks at 2K, so they didn’t have to wait in a line to play.

Outside of practice, the players have a lot of time to themselves and gaming is a major release for many of them. Even for LeBron, one of the league’s oldest players, getting on the sticks while in quarantine is key to fighting off boredom and isolation.

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