LaVar Ball does not want LaMelo coming off bench in Golden State: ‘Michael Jordan didn’t come off the bench’

LaVar Ball had some predictably wild opinions about why LaMelo shouldn’t come off the bench if he’s drafted by the Warriors.

LaVar Ball has made his preference mighty clear in regards to what team he wants his son LaMelo to land on. In fact, not only does LaVar want LaMelo to be drafted by the Knicks, he wants all three of his sons to join the New York-based franchise.

The problem with his pipe dream is that it would likely require the Knicks to jump up in the NBA Draft lottery. And though LaVar has spoken things into existence in the past, it’s still an outcome that isn’t likely.

On his appearance on the Road Trippin’ podcast with Richard Jefferson, Channing Frye and Allie Clifton, LaVar discussed whether he specifically wanted LaMelo to be the No. 1 pick in the draft in which he had a brief moment of sincerity.

“I’m not even worried about the No. 1, No. 3, none of that stuff matters. This is the one thing that I hope goes on is a coach believes in him and let him do what he does.”

Instead, the odds-on favorite to land the top pick and having the chance to draft Ball first is the Warriors. Golden State presents a unique situation as one of the best franchises in the last decade in the NBA. However, specific to Ball, it would likely not present an opportunity for Ball to start from day one.

To many, the lack of pressure could be seen as a positive as it would allow Ball to develop at a slower pace. LaVar is not one of those people as he wants LaMelo to start from day one while also comparing his son to arguably the greatest basketball player of all-time.

“Just like people was trying to tell me when Golden State was saying ‘Is it ok if Melo comes off the bench and learns?’ and all this stuff and I was ‘Nah.’ People was telling me Well ‘Kawhi, he came off the bench. Giannis came off the bench.’ Ok. Michael Jordan didn’t come off the bench.”

In the end, as strong as an opinion as LaVar may have, the decision is entirely out of his hand. And as we’ve seen in Lonzo’s career, his opinion will have little impact on his son’s career.

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