Lamar Jackson nominated for FedEx Air Player for Week 10

Thanks to another perfect passer rating, Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson has been nominated for another FedEx Air Player of the Week award

Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson had a perfect game in Week 10 against the Cincinnati Bengals. No, seriously — Jackson had a perfect 158.3 passer rating. That has him in the running for the FedEx Air Player of the Week award.

It’s the second time this season Jackson has been nominated for the FedEx Air award, winning it in Week 1 for his other game with a perfect passer rating. But Jackson has also won the FedEx Ground Player of the Week award this season — making him the only player ever to win both awards in a single season.

Jackson has some tough competition this week, going up against Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes and New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones. While Jackson has half the passing yards of Mahomes and fewer touchdown passes than Jones, he was the only player with a perfect passer rating in Week 10.

Jackson completed 15-of-17 passes against the Cincinnati Bengals for 223 yards and three touchdowns with no interceptions. While Jackson technically threw two incomplete passes in that game, one was a spike to stop the clock before halftime.

With how much criticism Jackson has gotten for his passing ability in his short career, it’s a little redeeming to see him up for yet another award specifically due to his arm.