Lakers chemistry shines during celebration of Anthony Davis game-winner

From Talen Horton-Tucker to Rajon Rondo, the Los Angeles Lakers were basking in the glow of Anthony Davis’ epic 3-pointer in Game 2.

Team chemistry, aside from having the tandem of LeBron James and Anthony Davis, has been one of the hallmarks of the Los Angeles Lakers for the entire season. Last night’s celebration of Anthony Davis’ game-winner over the Denver Nuggets highlighted the chemistry once more.

Since LeBron James spearheaded a team trip to Las Vegas before the season nearly a year ago, the Lakers bond has only grown stronger. Danny Green talked about it as the best chemistry he’s ever had after the Lakers got off to a 17-3 start.

“I’ve been on some pretty special teams, but more so than anything, which is more important than record, it’s the bonding, the chemistry,” Green told LeBron Wire in November. “I’ve been a part of some really good teams where the chemistry on the court was unbelievable but I’ve never been a part of a team where the chemistry has been … I think the China trip really helped us. It’s been unbelievable off the court.”

There may have been no moment more indicative of the chemistry than the on-court celebration and the ensuing Posts of Triumph on Instagram. Talen Horton-Tucker, who was inactive got knocked over by Davis, but had a hilarious laugh about it after the game. Davis told Horton-Tucker in the comments it was “his bad.”

J.R. Smith also had something extra in the celebration.

LeBron James, who probably had the best view of the Davis shot, was also celebrating his teammate’s epic moment online.

The Lakers have been arguably the most vocal team in the bubble during games. Their bench will often heckle free-throw shooters and celebrate misses, so it shouldn’t be a surprise they reacted this way to their most important moment so far of these playoffs. But it sure was a delight to see, unless you’re a Nuggets fan.

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