Kyle Van Noy latest opponent to know he’ll feast vs. Bengals offensive line

A Miami Dolphins defender knew he was going to get the best of the Cincinnati Bengals.

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Earlier this season, Joey Bosa of the Los Angeles Chargers openly joked about how the Cincinnati Bengals treated blocking him after he had a massive day.

It turns out some defenders know they’re going to feast on Cincinnati’s offensive line beforehand, too.

Appearing on The Pat McAfee show Monday, Dolphins defender Kyle Van Noy said he told everyone he was going to hit the quarterback a bunch on Sunday:

“I called my shot. I told wifey the night before, I told her the time I woke up, & I told the players on the bench.. & luckily I was mic’d up…I said I’m about to get a 3 piece today”

Indeed — Van Noy tee’d off on the Bengals to the tune of three sacks. On the day, Bengals quarterback Brandon Allen had to leave with an injury and left tackle Jonah Williams sustained a serious-looking injury on a blown block by one of his teammates.

With Xavier Su’a-Filo and Quinton Spain healthy, the Bengals inexplicably started Michael Jordan at left guard to disastrous reults. Jordan was eventually benched late in favor of XSF.

Call it the latest example of opponent comments adding salt to the wound of a coaching staff struggling to make anything work with its chosen offensive line.

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