Kyle Rudolph on the 456-page CBA Proposal: ‘I think my printer ran out of ink’

The new proposed CBA is 456 pages long. For Kyle Rudolph, it’s been a process trying to read it.

456 pages — that’s how long the proposed collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is, and players are ostensibly going to read through it and make a decision.

Kyle Rudolph has not had an easy time with it.

“I actually just printed it out to try and read through it. … I think my printer ran out of ink,” Rudolph said on The Pat McAfee Show.

“You can’t even zoom big enough on an iPhone to read all the fine points that they have in there.”

Rudolph went on to say that he will educate himself the best he can before he makes a vote on the decision. The current CBA will expire in March of 2021. You can read more about the CBA, and the impending player vote that Rudolph will be a part of, here.

Some players, like Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey, have been vocal in their disdain for the agreement, advocating for players to vote no.