KSW 83 video: Fighter lands incredible one-punch knockout from his back while mounted

Watch this rare and spectacular knockout when Krzysztof Glowacki shut the lights out on Patryk Tolkaczewski with a perfect left hook from his back at KSW 83.

Not only is this something you don’t see every day in MMA, this is something you don’t see ever.

At KSW 83 on Saturday in Warsaw, Poland, fans were treated to a rare and spectacular first-round knockout when [autotag]Krzysztof Glowacki[/autotag] shut the lights out on [autotag]Patryk Tolkaczewski[/autotag] with a perfect left hook from his back while he was mounted.

Repeat: Glowacki (1-0) was mounted, on his back, threw up a left hand, and knocked Tolkaczewski (0-1) out cold.

You can watch the crazy finish in the video below (via Twitter):