Klint Kubiak believes it’s ‘unfair’ to cast judgement on rookie QB Kellen Mond

Klint Kubiak believes in Kellen Mond.

Minnesota Vikings offensive coordinator Klint Kubiak has had a front row seat to the first-year progression of rookie quarterback Kellen Mond behind the scenes.

Some have speculated that the third-round draft pick is struggling right out of the gates with him falling to third on the depth chart behind Kirk Cousins and Sean Mannion. That speculation grew even more when coach Mike Zimmer opted to start Mannion over Mond in a pivotal NFC North divisional game against the Green Bay Packers in Week 17.

And then it blew up to seismic proportions when Zimmer acted completely disinterested in seeing Mond start in the season finale against the Chicago Bears on Sunday, even though the team is out of playoff contention.

At a media conference on Thursday, Kubiak was asked to give his thoughts on the swirling speculation that Mond’s rookie campaign has been a disappointment.

“It would be unfair because he hasn’t played this year,” said Kubiak. “But I’d say the things he could control, which was being in the meeting room, being the first guy in, being the last guy out, studying, asking the great questions, trying to stay after practice every day, getting there early before practice—as far as all of those things, he was aces.

“He did a great job of trying to get the most out of his talent. It’s yet to be seen what he’s going to become, but I know if it’s going to be up to his work ethic, then that’s going to be no question because he’s a worker. He loves the game, cares about the game and his teammates. I think once he gets his opportunity to go play, I think he’s going to do a good job.”

Kubiak makes some solid points about people being too quick to jump the gun on Mond, when he hasn’t even had a chance to fully develop as a player. Maybe Patrick Mahomes spoiled people into thinking young quarterbacks just set the world on fire early in their careers.

Mond is in the perfect situation where he didn’t need to throw on a red cape and save a flailing franchise right off the bat.

He’s exactly where he’s supposed to be and doing exactly what he’s supposed to do.