Kevin Durant on rehab: ‘Every single day I’m working’

Kevin Durant feels he reached Hall of Fame status early and he wants to keep building on that. But Durant’s injury put his plans on hold.

Portions of Kevin Durant’s rehab process have been teased throughout the season during media availability at Brooklyn Nets practice. The latest sampling was Durant running with a football in hand, then throwing a missile over the staff member he was working with.

Given Durant’s injury was a ruptured Achilles, seeing him running was a big deal. That injury is never an easy one to recover from, especially for athletes.

During his conversation with Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson on Showtime’s “All The Smoke,” Durant said he’s progressing, and “starting with some basketball stuff,” but the process hasn’t been easy:

I’m working, man, every single day I’m working. And, you know, I’m getting closer and closer to being back to myself as much as I can. It’s a tough-ass injury, man. It’s frustrating. Every day, just doing the small [expletive]. I’d just like to no holds barred just go hoop. But you gotta prepare. Warm-up to warm-up to get ready for the next thing. For me, as somebody who doesn’t understand patience when it comes to this [expletive], it’s tough.

Durant also added “it’s stressful” being away from the game because of the pace he was on.

I felt like I hit Hall of Fame status early in my career and I just wanted to keep adding on to it.

Sounds like Durant is ready to do some damage when he finally gets the chance to take the floor for the Brooklyn Nets.

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RELATED: WATCH: Kevin Durant runs at Nets practice