Kevin Durant hopped into a Twitter Space titled ‘Kevin Durant is not top 5’ just to gloriously dunk on his haters

Kevin Durant is elite at the internet.

Man. I don’t know if it’s possible to be as online as Kevin Durant is. This man is unreal.

We should expect nothing less from the man who has admitted to using multiple burner accounts in the past to argue with his haters. Durant told us he only interacts with the hate and, clearly, he means that.

This man interrupted his night to go and argue with some Twitter folk about whether he was a top five player in the NBA. Yes, seriously. This is a thing that happened.

Not only did Durant join a Twitter Space literally titled “Kevin Durant is not top 5,” but he also decided to speak in it.

And, yes, it went exactly how you’d think it would.

WARNING: There is some NSFW language in the following tweets