Kenny Atkinson refutes report of Kyrie Irving having thoracic bursitis

A recent report stated Kyrie Irving’s right shoulder impingement had become something more. Kenny Atkinson said that’s not the case.

A recent report indicated Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving’s right shoulder impingement had developed into something more and could further extend his time on the sideline.’s Brandon Robinson reported a source within the Nets organization had informed him Irving was dealing with thoracic bursitis, which could keep him out two to three more weeks.

Prior to Thursday’s game against the New York Knicks, Kenny Atkinson was asked about Irving’s status. When it came to the recent update stating Irving is dealing with thoracic bursitis, the Net head coach said, “it’s not true.”

Irving still has yet to take part in contact drills at Nets practice, and the team hasn’t had much in terms of updates of late. As for why things have taken so long for Irving, Atkinson stated, “shoulders are tricky.”

Irving has not played for the Nets since Brooklyn visited the Denver Nuggets on November 14. His injury was diagnosed as a right shoulder impingement before that game and the latest report from is the first time Irving’s injury has been referred to as anything but a shoulder impingement.