Karl-Anthony Towns revealed he tested positive for COVID-19 and it’s absolutely heartbreaking

This is so sad.

It’s hard to even find the right words to say about what Karl-Anthony Towns has gone through over the last year.

He lost his mother, Jacqueline Cruz-Towns, to COVID-19 earlier this year in April after she dealt with the virus for a month. And, before the season started, Towns revealed that he also lost six other family members to the virus over the last year. That, alone, is heartbreaking. On Friday, he had more bad news. Towns revealed that he, himself, has tested positive for the virus.

Towns revealed his positive diagnosis via a statement released on Twitter and it was absolutely gut-wrenching.

“Prior to tonight’s game I received yet another awful call that I tested positive for COVID. I will immediately isolate and follow every protocol. I pray every day that this nightmare of a virus will subside and I beg everyone to continue to take it seirously by taking all of the necessary precautions.” 

The last line was especially heartbreaking.

“To my niece and nephew, Jolani and Max, I promise you I will not end up in a box next to grandma and I will beat this.”

Man. It is absolutely infuriating that Towns has to go through this — especially after losing so much to this virus already.

Get well soon, KAT.
