Jonah Williams’ offseason transformation caught Bengals off guard

Cincinnati Bengals OT Jonah Williams is turning heads at training camp.

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Lost in the Joe Burrow hype is the fact the Cincinnati Bengals technically get the debut of two first-round picks in 2020 thanks to the arrival of Jonah Williams.

Williams, after missing all of his rookie season last year, is a guy the Bengals will count on to protect Burrow from that left tackle spot.

And Williams’ stringent offseason regiment transformed his body, something confirmed by offensive coordinator Brian Callahan.

“Really,” Callahan said, according to Geoff Hobson of, “what ended up happening with him is he got a year to re-shape his body.”

Williams put some work in with Joe Staley this offseason and wasn’t shy about sharing his workouts on social media.

More comments from Callahan say it all:

“He looks like a pro, he doesn’t look like a college kid anymore. His build and physique he kind of changed, not completely. But (when) he walked up to get tested when he first got here, I was like, ‘Woo, hey, Jonah it’s good to see you man.’

Coaches were adamant all last season Williams was still putting in a heavy workload from the sidelines. It’s clear he’s been putting in the physical work this offseason, too.

Ideally, the former first-round pick will go on to put it all together on the field in front of Burrow in 2020, fixing an issue that has plagued the team since Andrew Whitworth’s departure.

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