John Oliver hilariously roasts UFC and ‘Fight Island’ on ‘Last Week Tonight’

Why didn’t Dana White go with “UF-Sea” instead for his private island?

As the global coronavirus pandemic continues to disrupt our way of life, one big talking point that keeps coming up, even from President Donald Trump himself, is this: When will sports resume?

The UFC, of course, jump-started that effort last week with three events in eight days in Jacksonville, Fla. After Saturday’s UFC on ESPN 8 card to close out the trifecta, White dubbed the UFC’s return “successful in every way.”

Of course, there was the positive COVID-19 tests of Ronald Souza and three of his cornermen that brought more focus onto how the UFC was handling things. Then, as The New York Times pointed out, the UFC in many instances ignored its own protocols outlined in a 25-page document.

None of this news was lost on “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver, who hilariously roasted the UFC in his latest episode. Oliver laughed at White’s plan for the much-talked about “Fight Island” to host international fights, specifically the name of it.

“Now, is that a clever name? No. Is it the perfect name? Yes,” Oliver said. “Because it’s the first thought an idiot would have if they wanted to name a private island where fights happen. …

“He didn’t even go for the obvious name for an island where you stage UFC fights, which is simply ‘UF-Sea.’ “Look at me, Dana. Why didn’t you just call it ‘UF-Sea’? It’s perfect.”

In fact, Oliver’s entire segment on sports and the coronavirus is pretty perfect. You can check it out below (the UFC portion begins at 10:05):

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