Joey Bosa is eating nearly 5,000 calories of food every day and he has a really good reason for it

Joey Bosa is living the dream right now, man.

It’s a generally well-known fact that most athletes will eat more than the average human being.

The reasons are pretty obvious. When you’re more active than the average person, you’re going to need to eat more than the average person. It’s just simple math, really.

But Joey Bosa is his eating to another level right now.

The Chargers’ star linebacker is reportedly eating nearly 5,000 calories per day, according to a new story from ESPN’s Lindsey Thiry, in an effort to bulk up for next season.

Yes, you read that correctly. To be more specific, Bosa is reportedly eating between 4,500 to 5,000 calories each and every day. That’s a lot of food, y’all.

There’s a specific reasoning behind it, according to Thiry’s reporting. Let’s dive into it.