Joel Embiid focused on leading Sixers to a title instead of All-Star game

Philadelphia 76ers big man Joel Embiid is not exactly focused on the All-Star game.

The NBA is working on getting through the 2020-21 season safely while in the midst of a global pandemic. As life continues to move on, the league is progressing towards having a 2021 All-Star game in Atlanta which has received mixed feelings from around the league due to the pandemic.

The Philadelphia 76ers are a team that will most likely send a few members of their organization to the game if it does, in fact, happen. Coach Doc Rivers will most likely coach a team due to the team being at the top of the East and he has no issue with the game if it’s good for the league.

As for Joel Embiid, he will most certainly be in the game due to the number of votes he receives from fans. However, the big fella is a little indifferent on the game.

“I’m not sure if I’m gonna make it,” he said on Thursday night. “Hopefully, I get the chance to be part of it once again. I’ve always been conservative, I’ve always voiced my opinion since the pandemic started starting with the bubble. I wasn’t really into it and then the season, but I guess the league has been doing a good job this year as far as making sure there’s rules in place and making sure everybody follows it.”

As Embiid did mention, he did not like the league resuming the 2019-20 season inside the bubble. He thought they should have stayed safe at home, but he continued to try and push forward and help the team win. The All-Star game is an event that doesn’t seem to serve much purpose when considering the current climate everybody finds themselves in.

“I have mixed feelings about it,” he said. “Hopefully, if it does indeed happen, hopefully, they take precautions and everybody stays healthy.”

The All-Star game is meaningless at the end of the day and there are more important matters to attend to such as getting his body healthy for a title run.

“We’ll see, we got a long season,” Embiid finished. “I might miss a couple of games due to that stiff tightness from the fall against the Lakers. We’ll see how I feel. If it’s an issue, or if I’m not 100%, I’m focused on winning a championship and getting into the playoffs, hopefully, so that’s the main focus, but all I gotta do is I just gotta keep doing the right things and taking care of my body and I should be fine.”

This post originally appeared on Sixers Wire! Follow us on Facebook!

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