Joel Embiid called out on Game of Zones for social media activity

Philadelphia 76ers big man Joel Embiid was the focus of a joke in Game of Zones.

Philadelphia 76ers big man Joel Embiid is undoubtedly one of the best players in the league regardless of position. He is dominant in the post, he can take you off the dribble, and he is terrific on the defensive end of the floor as well.

However, he does have a penchant for going on to social media and talking trash to just about anybody who will listen. We have seen that on multiple occasions.

So, in Thursday’s episode of Game of Zones–which is a mashup of the NBA combined with the popular TV series, Game of Thrones–they decided to poke fun at Embiid for that. He is on a team full of other superstar players in order to take on the Dream Team led by Michael Jordan and during their team meeting, Doc Rivers said their players don’t get distracted by “social media ravens”.

The scene is in the early part of the episode and Embiid then looks a bit sheepish when Rivers brings it up. This is the final season of the popular TV series so it will be interesting to see what the big man does in the final episode. [lawrence-related id=31007,30999,30993]