Joe Castiglione, Lincoln Riley have message for Oklahoma fans amid coronavirus pandemic

There’s pessimism and there’s optimism for a potential college football season. Oklahoma’s leadership provided a message to its fans.

There’s pessimism and there’s optimism for a potential college football season, but not much in-between.

More and more college football coaches and officials are getting their voice out on the ever-changing coronavirus pandemic, how it’s effecting football programs and the future of an entire season. Oklahoma is no different, with the two at the top of the food chain making recent appearances.

Athletic director Joe Castiglione went on play-by-play voice Toby Rowland’s radio show last week. Head football coach Lincoln Riley had his own 30-minutes of media appearances across three shows Monday.

The two were asked every question in the book from what’s happened since, what adjustments have been made, how has the team handled it to what is missed in spring football and how they overcome it.

Castiglione, though, was asked about more of the athletic department side of things, and he was open and honest about much of everything. OU’s athletic director said they are reaching out to as many fans, ticket holders and donors they can. Oklahoma has delayed ticket renewals and tried to be as flexible as possible in this unknown time.

“There have been so many times where we had a plan ready to put together and implement and then a major piece of news that just absolutely kicks the plan right to the curb and you have to completely recalibrate,” Castiglione told Rowland. “And I understand what that might be like in individual families or for people who are dealing with this. Dealing with some family member who might have contracted the virus. So we’re praying for everybody, we have everybody in our mind. We’re trying to have various moments where we can reach out to people who have been affected in one way or another and let them know we care about them.”

Riley was given an open platform to Oklahoma fans that are also patiently awaiting football during his appearance on 107.7 The Franchise in Oklahoma City.

“It’s tough. I think more than anything, hopefully everybody appreciates what they have,” Oklahoma’s head coach said. “The opportunities they have to enjoy Oklahoma football whether it’s a fan, whether it’s a coach or a player—we’re all very blessed to be able to be a part of this program and all the great things that have happened here for a long, long time. I promise you we are as antsy to get back as anybody and we’re working hard to make sure that this team will be ready to go when we get the green light.”

Castiglione was given the same opportunity with Rowland.

“And I think this time is to try to keep the main priorities in order—first and foremost, get through this,” he said. “However that is going to happen. Get through it healthy. We don’t know what the world is going to look like exactly. We can sit here and speculate all we want. But get through it healthy, get through it safe. Everybody’s ready to go. We’ll figure it out whatever that is. It might be tough. It might be completely unlike what we ever could have expected. Obviously we are in a period of time where things like that are happening literally hour-by-hour.

“We just want people to know that we get it. We want to be able to have what they love, and that’s the opportunity of sports, student-athletes, our teams—that’s a unifying element for many, many people. We get that. We want to be ready to make it possible when it’s right. We’re trying to do everything we can to be ready.”

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