Jim Harbaugh releases statement in support of playing the 2020 college football season

Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh released a statement in support of playing the 2020 college football this fall. Yes, Buckeye Nation agrees.

This is from our sister site Wolverines Wire, and yes, I feel a bit oily and might have to watch some reruns of the Buckeyes taking Michigan behind the woodshed a few times after writing this. I have plenty to choose from over the last fifteen years and it might take them all to get my head right again.

Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh, after five years of making so many wrong moves, has finally done something even Ohio State fans can get on board with. On Monday, after news circulated that the Big Ten was set to announce a cancellation of the football season Tuesday, Harbaugh released a statement in support of playing in the fall under the #WeWantToPlay movement on Twitter.

Say it with me slowly now, and if you have to practice in front of the mirror a couple of times, that’s fine.

Ohio State stands with Jim Harbaugh. Yes, I said it.

Here is the statement straight out of the left pocket of some well-ironed khakis. From Wolverines Wire via a Michigan spokesman:

Next … the full Jim Harbaugh statement on playing the 2020 season