Jets victory over Browns truly was nearly impossible

A true mission impossible for the Jets in their comeback victory.

Cue the theme from Mission: Impossible. The Jets truly did pull off the unthinkable Sunday against the Browns.

When Nick Chubb scored his third touchdown of the game to give the Browns a 30-17 lead with 1:55 left, the Jets certainly had to think there was no hope. In fact, according to Next Gen Stats, there truly was almost no hope. New York’s comeback was nearly impossible in NGS’s eyes. How nearly impossible?

0.3 percent.

Less than half a percent. That was New York’s winning probability at that stage of the game. The Jets truly pulled off a miracle on Sunday in Cleveland.

The Jets had no timeouts left and needed two touchdowns in less than two minutes. Yet somehow, someway, thanks to defensive blunders and a huge onside recovery, the Jets did just that and now sit at 1-1 with a ton of momentum heading into a Week 3 battle with a Bengals team that is already showing early signs of a Super Bowl hangover.

Tom Cruise would be proud.