Jets QB Sam Darnold throws two pick-sixes, fails to make franchise history

Jets quarterback Sam Darnold did not follow Adam Gase’s order to throw the offense into “hyperdrive.”

Earlier this week, Jets head coach and “offensive play designer” Adam Gase said with his usual overconfidence that he’s got to put everything into “hyperdrive.”

So far against the Colts, the Jets’ offense has indeed sped up, but not in the way Gase would have liked. Quarterback Sam Darnold, who has been under nearly constant pressure this season and has been unable to make the plays he’s able to make, threw the following two pick-sixes to give the Colts a distinct advantage: The first by Xavier Rhodes, and the second by T.J. Carrie.

Darnold has in fact thrown two interceptions to Rhodes in this game, and here, I explain why that’s particularly embarrassing:

So, there’s that. Not exactly what this team needed to pull it out of an 0-2 start as perhaps the worst team in football.

However, there is hope! No, really! First of all, Darnold still doesn’t hold the Jets record for the most pick-sixes in a single game. That mark is still held by Joe Namath, who threw three against the Bills on September 29, 1968 in a 37-35 loss.

If you’re anything of a football historian, you may remember that the Jets won Super Bowl III at the end of the 1968 American Football League season, in a 16-7 upset over the Baltimore Colts.

We’re going to eke out just a little more hope out of this, since the 2020 Jets clearly have none at all. There are four instances in professional football history in which a quarterback has thrown three pick-sixes in a single game. Namath in 1968, John Hadl of the Chargers against the Houston Oilers in 1971, Ed Baker of the Oilers against the Bengals in 1972, and Eli Manning of the Giants against the Vikings on November 25, 2007.

You may also remember that at the end of the 2007 season, the Giants beat the Patriots, who were undefeated coming into Super Bowl XLII, in what was probably the biggest upset in football at any level between Super Bowl III and that game. So, in two of the four instances in which a quarterback gave three touchdowns to the opposing defense, their teams went on to win the Super Bowl that season.

I realize that I’ve gone on a tangent here, but hey — let’s give these poor Jets fans a little hope. Or something.